How to cancel an order on CustomWish?
In those unfortunate scenarios, when you opt to cancel an order, we urge you to do so within 24 hours of placing it. You can simply drop an email at Please don't miss mentioning the order number and the subject line.
We can't accept cancellation requests for orders that have been already dispatched, as the items are customized.
Return Policy:
● Return is possible only in case of a damaged delivery.
● You are requested to place the return request within 7 business days of receiving the package, only in case of damaged deliveries.
● To place the refund request successfully, you need to record a video while opening the package and share it with us.
● Please make sure that the original product tag is intact while returning.
● Return request is not acceptable for bulk and corporate orders.
Refund Process (When Applicable)
If any refund is approved, the amount will be credited back to the original payment method within 7-14 business days
Contact Details
Phone/Whatsapp : 9886888572
Email :
For questions and queries, feel free to reach us over WhatsApp or email! Our gift specialist will be more than happy to assist you